About Tricord Wealth Advisors: Threefold Strength




If you have ever pulled on a tricord, you will know that it is hard to break. It is a true example of leverage—three individual forces when brought together create exponential momentum and a strength that's greater than that of three individual lines working separately. This force is both physical and spiritual. 

For this reason, for more than thirty years, the Tricord has represented the relationship model upon which we work:

1.     It starts with the Client—their goals, their values and, most importantly, their purpose.

2.     Next comes the Wealth Advisor—their expertise, their understanding, and most importantly, their integrity.

3.     Completing the relationship are timeless Principles —when the client and advisor together follow them, wealth not only increases, it becomes a means to a greater end...not an end itself.

The Tricord represents our dedication to helping our clients leverage their gifts to serve their purpose and achieve their goals. Indeed, this is our mission, and at Tricord Wealth Advisors we know that life itself—and every blessing it brings—is a gift.